Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pack Your Bags

Packing yours bags for a business travel is like a sport: some individuals are the all-stars, others are benchwarmers. Wherever you may fit in, know that some items are more important than others. So, with that said, below is a list of the ten most important items to pack when going on a business trip. Don't forget to check out our newest commercial, which is at the bottom of the blog. Enjoy!

Get your name heard.
Business cards: Always carry your own business cards, as well as some close colleagues and business associates. It's okay to be generous and it does not hurt to have more than one source to contact. You never know when you might meet someone who can help you or needing a referral.

Breath mints: Regularly freshen up. Just because you brush your teeth in the morning does not mean you'll be clean and smelling fresh. Foul breath is the last impression you want to make on someone, especially a new, important associate. Keep a stash of breath mints on-hand.

Hand sanitizer: When going on business trips, expect to shake a lot of hands. A mixture of germs and touching can create an unhappy, sick individual. Keep your hands clean and it will help you from catching a cold.

Name badge: Not all business conventions will provide nametags, so be prepared. Always have a generic name badge on-hand. It doesn't have to be fancy, as long as someone can read your name, title, and company. Name badges help individuals stand out and be easily spotted.

Be ready to take notes.
Pad and pen: Always be prepared, it cannot be stressed enough. Do not rely on the hotel for a paper and writing utensils. One should always be ready to take notes. Asking for something to write with will come across as unprofessional.

Clothing: I can guarantee you that you'll need at least a couple outfits. Pack several shirts, a jacket, and a couple nice pairs of slacks. Also, walking will occur. Pack yourself a pair of comfortable shoes for excess walking and a dressier pair for evening events.

USB flash drive: Always back-up important information on a flash drive and double-save if you have to. This will make things easier when traveling and you'll feel more calm about things.

Electronics: You carry your cellphone everywhere, so be smart and pack a charger along with it. Try to stay fully charged at all times, even if that means packing an extra battery. Along with your cellphone, your laptop will also be your best friend during business travel. Do not rely on other computers to have similar software to the one on your laptop.

Multi-charger: You'll have a lot of electronics and necessities to charge. Do not blow a fuse! Pack a multi-charger that will allow you to charge multiple things at once. When you're ready, everything will be ready.

Luggage: You'll save time and money if you can fit all your business-needs into a carry-on bag. I encourage you to invest in high quality luggage with four wheels. Have it made out of material that can take a few bumps and bruises along the way.

Check out our newest commercial!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

We're All Mad Here

Waiting for vacation like...
Does you business want to be in wonderland? With March coming to a fast end, Reidt On Executive Excursions is having a March Madness 2016 sale, allowing all travel to be 16% off. (This does not include today's spring special. For more information, check out our Facebook page).

As a business owner, I understand that it's essential to "not take work home" because it causes unnecessary stress, which burns out an individual's drive for success. You hardworking individuals need an luxury. From now until April 2, 2016, businesspeople have the opportunity to clock out of work and say hello to an early vacation. This vacation can be coordinated at any destination on the map, as long as the getaway lasts one to two weeks.

This March Madness 2016 sale does not only give individuals a break from work, but includes everything Reidt On Executive Travels has to offer: private jet, chauffeur and limousine, suite with 24 hour room service and fully stocked mini bar, and a ticket to pure relaxation to the nearby private spa. Anything you want, we've got. As a full-service travel company, our guests will leave satisfied.

An early vacation with us will not only relieve stress, but increase success and dedication within one's self and business. If there are any hesitations, Reidt On Executive Excursions will be happy to schedule an appointment and talk about favorable destinations, facts and statistics, end results, and previous ratings.

We want what is best for you, whether that is laying on the beach or exploring the mountains. Do whatever you need to do in order to relieve stress. Just because you are breathing, does not mean you are alive. Live your life and escape to luxury with Reidt On Executive Excursions!
Get stamped.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Flying High, Feeling High

There are five main reasons to fly privately: efficiency, flexibility, comfort, privacy, and safety.

Efficiency: It's a known fact that private jets fly higher and faster than commercial flights. While flying at a higher altitude, time equals money. If every business was to fly privately, time would be cut down roughly 45 minutes, which also reflects money being spent. We understand that our clients have a booked schedule and their time and money is important to them. As a high-end business, we value our clients and want nothing but the best for them. Our private jets cruise around 610 miles per hour, being 43,000 above ground.
Private jets allow enough time to conduct meetings.

Flexibility: Our private jet does not fly off until our clients give us the go-ahead. As we stated before, our clients have busy schedules. Our business is willing to be flexible in order to give individuals a wonderful experience. When clients do fly privately, they are in complete control of their schedule. If one would happen to alter their plans, that wouldn't be a problem.

Comfort: Each private jet is furnished with the finest material. Each piece of furniture is hand crafted by Parnian, a luxurious furniture company. Along with each hotel room, the jets are furnished similar. Although our private jets are smaller, there are three bedrooms consisting of two twin-size beds and clean bathrooms. Beds are made with Egyptian Cotton sheets, Goose Down pillows, and Calvin Klein comforters, all laying upon Quantum Sleeper beds. In the meeting area, there's an assortment of tables, chairs, and couches that allow individuals to sit back and relax, watch tv, and warm up with the fireplace. For your convenience, there is also a full kitchen and bar that is staffed.

Privacy: While flying in a private jet, individuals can act however they want to. Our jets are closed in, not allowing attention in from the outside world. Everyone deserves privacy and their own bubble.

Safety: First of all, yes, your luggage travels with you. We do not believe in personal belongings being thrown or stuffed into an area. With our flights, clients are free to bring anything they want. Our staff members are well-trained. However, our clients also have the freedom to choose their pilot and flight crew to guarantee peace of mind. They go through a rigorous recruitment process and enforce safety management systems unlike any other business.

Reidt On Executive Excursions will make you never want to fly commercial again.

Come fly with us.