Sunday, March 6, 2016

Flying High, Feeling High

There are five main reasons to fly privately: efficiency, flexibility, comfort, privacy, and safety.

Efficiency: It's a known fact that private jets fly higher and faster than commercial flights. While flying at a higher altitude, time equals money. If every business was to fly privately, time would be cut down roughly 45 minutes, which also reflects money being spent. We understand that our clients have a booked schedule and their time and money is important to them. As a high-end business, we value our clients and want nothing but the best for them. Our private jets cruise around 610 miles per hour, being 43,000 above ground.
Private jets allow enough time to conduct meetings.

Flexibility: Our private jet does not fly off until our clients give us the go-ahead. As we stated before, our clients have busy schedules. Our business is willing to be flexible in order to give individuals a wonderful experience. When clients do fly privately, they are in complete control of their schedule. If one would happen to alter their plans, that wouldn't be a problem.

Comfort: Each private jet is furnished with the finest material. Each piece of furniture is hand crafted by Parnian, a luxurious furniture company. Along with each hotel room, the jets are furnished similar. Although our private jets are smaller, there are three bedrooms consisting of two twin-size beds and clean bathrooms. Beds are made with Egyptian Cotton sheets, Goose Down pillows, and Calvin Klein comforters, all laying upon Quantum Sleeper beds. In the meeting area, there's an assortment of tables, chairs, and couches that allow individuals to sit back and relax, watch tv, and warm up with the fireplace. For your convenience, there is also a full kitchen and bar that is staffed.

Privacy: While flying in a private jet, individuals can act however they want to. Our jets are closed in, not allowing attention in from the outside world. Everyone deserves privacy and their own bubble.

Safety: First of all, yes, your luggage travels with you. We do not believe in personal belongings being thrown or stuffed into an area. With our flights, clients are free to bring anything they want. Our staff members are well-trained. However, our clients also have the freedom to choose their pilot and flight crew to guarantee peace of mind. They go through a rigorous recruitment process and enforce safety management systems unlike any other business.

Reidt On Executive Excursions will make you never want to fly commercial again.

Come fly with us.

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