Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pack Your Bags

Packing yours bags for a business travel is like a sport: some individuals are the all-stars, others are benchwarmers. Wherever you may fit in, know that some items are more important than others. So, with that said, below is a list of the ten most important items to pack when going on a business trip. Don't forget to check out our newest commercial, which is at the bottom of the blog. Enjoy!

Get your name heard.
Business cards: Always carry your own business cards, as well as some close colleagues and business associates. It's okay to be generous and it does not hurt to have more than one source to contact. You never know when you might meet someone who can help you or needing a referral.

Breath mints: Regularly freshen up. Just because you brush your teeth in the morning does not mean you'll be clean and smelling fresh. Foul breath is the last impression you want to make on someone, especially a new, important associate. Keep a stash of breath mints on-hand.

Hand sanitizer: When going on business trips, expect to shake a lot of hands. A mixture of germs and touching can create an unhappy, sick individual. Keep your hands clean and it will help you from catching a cold.

Name badge: Not all business conventions will provide nametags, so be prepared. Always have a generic name badge on-hand. It doesn't have to be fancy, as long as someone can read your name, title, and company. Name badges help individuals stand out and be easily spotted.

Be ready to take notes.
Pad and pen: Always be prepared, it cannot be stressed enough. Do not rely on the hotel for a paper and writing utensils. One should always be ready to take notes. Asking for something to write with will come across as unprofessional.

Clothing: I can guarantee you that you'll need at least a couple outfits. Pack several shirts, a jacket, and a couple nice pairs of slacks. Also, walking will occur. Pack yourself a pair of comfortable shoes for excess walking and a dressier pair for evening events.

USB flash drive: Always back-up important information on a flash drive and double-save if you have to. This will make things easier when traveling and you'll feel more calm about things.

Electronics: You carry your cellphone everywhere, so be smart and pack a charger along with it. Try to stay fully charged at all times, even if that means packing an extra battery. Along with your cellphone, your laptop will also be your best friend during business travel. Do not rely on other computers to have similar software to the one on your laptop.

Multi-charger: You'll have a lot of electronics and necessities to charge. Do not blow a fuse! Pack a multi-charger that will allow you to charge multiple things at once. When you're ready, everything will be ready.

Luggage: You'll save time and money if you can fit all your business-needs into a carry-on bag. I encourage you to invest in high quality luggage with four wheels. Have it made out of material that can take a few bumps and bruises along the way.

Check out our newest commercial!


  1. Wow these are some really great tips for travelling and it makes me excited to use your company for a trip, because not only do I feel prepared. I feel excited!

  2. Your blog has given me that thing which I never expect to get from all over the websites. Nice post guys!
    Executive Name Badges
    Recognition Express
